
Monday, January 30, 2012

Hockey Skates Don't Have Toe-Picks?!

Anyone who reads this blog, or even pays mild attention to us and our story, knows that Mark and I have an obsession with traditions and our own personal to-do list… a Relationship Bucket List, if you will.

Last night, we finally crossed off an item on our to-do list that has been listed for one heck of a long time! Skating together! Mark is an avid hockey fan, (I am just a regular hockey fan, but hey, I may be avid one day…) and he spent many a memorable time playing roller hockey with his friends at a local St. Charles park ground in his younger years.

Even before we started dating, way back in our email-messaging and telephone-chatting days, we had talked about how we wanted to put on a pair of hockey skates and take to the asphalt together.

We had intended to do this a long time ago, but six months into our relationship I fell on a patch of nasty winter ice and broke myself all over the place. After surgery, brutal physical therapy, and many months worth of learning to walk again, it was very obvious that “Play Hockey Together” was going to have to wait.

Though we still haven’t technically played hockey together, we were both pretty freaking stoked when he decided enough time had passed since I’ve had too much difficulty with swelling and leg cramps to give the skates a try.

So, two whole years after my surgery, he went to the closet and got the pair of skates with extra ankle support that he had bought me awhile back, and we piled the backseat of the car high with hockey gear. It was after dark, which made it a bit romantic, and there was a nip in the air – it being January and all. Finding the perfect spot to park, we then sprawled out all the hockey gear into the empty parking spot next to us. Mark kept laughing, telling me I was too cute as he watched me put on pads and more pads and skates and gloves and then I asked the stupid question of, “What happens if I fall?” “That, Honey, it what the pads are for, but if you start to fall stick your butt out.” LOL, “Okay, so what if I fall on my face!?” Unfortunately, he had no good answer for that one.

We both laugh as I try to stand up out of the car and my feet wheel right out from underneath me. To keep from falling, I grab for the door and sit back down. Give it another try. On my third try, I make it to the standing position. Then I start to skate, slowly, away from the car. Fortunately, he doesn’t laugh. He totally gets that I’m nervous as all get out about my bad leg. So I’m the only one making fun of myself at this point, thinking I look absolutely ridiculous.

So, after about twenty feet, I try to stop. “Mark! How do I stop!? There’s no toe-pick!!!” He starts laughing hysterically at me. See, I’ve skated before… but I ICE SKATE. I haven’t been on any type of roller blade since I was 8 years old and we moved to Missouri the Land of Hills from Illinois the Land of Flat Land! And even then, the roller blades had little rubber stoppers on them. Ice skating, though, I know and am good at. Before I broke myself, I’d spend hours out on the ice. Anyways, we both start laughing over my toe-pick remark and he teaches me how to stop myself by turning. I’m not great at it, but I will be :)

The goal of last night was to get me up on skates, used to balancing myself again. We spent about twenty minutes just skating together up and down the parking lot. Every once in awhile he’d flick away a twig or a rock with his hockey stick because I’m often oblivious to little things like that and he was pretty sure I’d hit one, forget to stick my butt out, and fall on the only part of my body not padded… my face.

My leg and foot was sore, but still I was a bit sad when he said “Okay, that’s enough. One more lap and we’re going home.” I was having fun. I haven’t been able to do a lot recreationally since I had fallen and it felt pretty great to be moving so fast with the wind in my face. I knew he was right, though, and pushing it would be a bad idea (especially since we didn’t know what the “morning after” would bring and what kind of skating “hang over” my leg would experience) so I opted not to argue him about it. The good thing, though, is that we know I can do it; which means, lots of skating in the future!!

At any rate, I’m a little bit less cripple than I was before :) Hopefully a future surgery to remove all the super fun gadgets that now make up my ankle and leg will get me completely cripless (Yeah, I know that’s not a word.) but at least I don’t have a limp!

So we packed up the car and headed home. He put the hockey gear away, and I started on our traditional bedtime hot chocolate. Oh, by the way, my surprise this week was a set of two matching mugs for our hot chocolate… so cute, tall espresso colored mugs with “hot cocoa” written in a pretty beige font – one for him and one for me, so we match :) When he handed them to me he said “Because it’s ‘Our Thing’!” My captain is so freaking adorable; I just can’t get enough of him!

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