
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Turkey Day, A Little Late

Hope y'all had a fantastic Thanksgiving. 

For Mark and I, things went a little fast. It was a fabulous day, none the less. For several years, Mark has been volunteering at the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Dinner, a non for profit organization that hosts Thanksgiving dinner for the homeless, less fortunate, or other people in the Saint Louis area who may not have much place to go for the holiday. This was my second year participating in the event... and... I LOVE IT! It is amazing. So, we got there around 9 (I say "around", because Mark and I are nearly always later than we say we will be. I can never decide what to wear, and he is not the best with time management in spite of his best efforts.) As usual, we did the take outs this year. I love this, because it requires a bit of organization and it is usually always a job that keeps you busy. 

I had told Mark's mom that we would be arriving to eat at 2 o'clock. I, of course, was keeping a sharp eye on the clock. I trained the next group of people who would be running the take outs, said my good-byes, and began to try to round up my handsome captain so we wouldn't be late. We were late. By 20 minutes. All was good, though. We ate. We talked. We laughed. 

As the sun started setting, Mark and I grabbed our healthy pumpkin pie and headed out to the family compound to spend the holiday with my side of the family. More food. More talking. More laughing. I drank far far far too much sparkling grape juice before we said our goodnights and sweet dreams near midnight, heading into my little cousin's bedroom to take over her bed for the night. We didn't get out of bed until 10 the next morning... extremely late for us. More visiting and more food followed. There's nothing like Thanksgiving leftovers :)

This past year, Mark and I started a tradition. (Right, I know, Mark and I starting a tradition... BIG surprise.) We call it the Thanksgiving Jar. Here is it:
Pretty, right? I know :) I bought it at Hobby Lobby. LOVE that place! Anyways, this is our Thanksgiving Jar. Those little papers inside are things that Mark and I are thankful for. Throughout the year (we got this bright idea back in July, so it's probably not as full as it should be) whenever something happens that we feel thankful for in the moment we write it down and put it into the jar. We do not read them until Thanksgiving. Since we are huge procrastinators, we didn't actually do the Thanksgiving Jar until the other night. We each took turns taking a slip of paper out and reading it out loud. We wrote so many little wonderful things. You can bet we were both going "Awwwww" at each slip of paper. It was a fantastic way to reminisce and celebrate gratitude for the little blessings that we may have forgotten about since, but did not overlook in the moment. Life is crazy. It goes by fast. Sometimes you have to just take a few moments to think about what you really have right in front of you.

By the way, I never mentioned how much fun that Rams game was. We lost (like we weren't already expecting that, given their season so far this year) but we had a blast anyway. Though, I can't say the same for the guy sitting in front of us. The only thing I didn't like: the stadium security. Ridiculous. It took us almost as long to get into the stadium as it took us to ride the metro downtown. Here's a photo of us a the game:
I was sportin' a Rams jersey, ya just can't see it in this picture because it's covered by the beautiful scarf Mark recently bought me. I'm sorry Bears! (By the way, while the Rams were sucking butt and couldn't catch a ball, my Bears were kicking serious booty. DA BEARS!)

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